Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rant and Rave

So I finally get to do something for myself- Massage Envy. Last month my massage person tells me that she may be cutting back her hours or if she couldnt she would have to go.

Well today she tells me that she is leaving. I still have a few months with Massage Envy before I can try and follow her.

I have had the same hair dresser since I was 12. I only change doctors when my insurance has to change. I have had the same dentist since I was a kid. I must not lose my masseuse.

So I have to put up with someone else through the rest of my contract and then I can go out.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know just what you mean. If it's not broke, don't fix it. :)

You sound just like me.

How long have you and Denny been married?
I've been married to my husband, my best friend, for almost 31 years.
Sadly, most of our friends never made it this far.
Your family looks very nice. I bet they do keep you hopping.
debbie <3